protection spells

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If you need advice as to which protection spell is best for you or if you have already placed an order please contact us at

What do we need to cast a protection spell?

We need your full name and date of birth of all parties involved. This information can be emailed to either before or after your order has been placed on our website.


"THANK YOU SO MUCH MARCY! You have helped my nightmares go away and now I am not haunted with these dreams anymore. You made my nightmares go away after having them for months straight every night. I now have positive dreams which leave me waking up happy again and not angry and scared. I appreciate your coven and you are welcome in my home whenever you wish." Jose

customized protection spell


Protection Spells Inquiry

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Last Name

Protection Spells

Protection Shield Spell - Do you want to make sure that no one can mess with your energy?  Do you want to feel safe and protected again?  This spell will put an invisible shield around you so that no one can harm you spiritually any longer.


Circle of Protection Spell
- Are you looking for something to protect both you and your loved ones?  This spell will put a circle of protection around a group of people so negative energies can not get in. 


Protect this House Spell - Are you looking for a protection spell designed to protect your entire property?  This spell will protect your house from negative energies. 


Customized Protection Spell
- Are you looking for a protection spell to be customized to fit your needs?  This protection spell will be designed around your needs.


Job Protection Spell - are you constantly in fear of losing your job? This spell will make sure that you do not get laid off or fired. Your job will be protected and safe.


Banish Jealousy and Control Spell - Do you have someone in your life that is controlling and constantly jealous?  This will make their emotions even so that they will not come at you with jealousy and control issues.  This will make relationships healthier.


Banish Grief Spell - Are you or someone you love grieving over something or someone? This will will help a person come to terms with the feelings of loss and will see the positive in the situation. They will start to feel happy again and the weight of their grief will be lifted.


Anti Nightmare Spell - Do you have nightmares and want to make them go away permanently? This spell will decrease the amount of nightmares that you have until you have none ever again.



Protection Testimonials

"After a horrible break up I knew my ex was going to bring spirits into my home to scare me. He always threatened me with that because he knew that I had a fear of ghosts. Of course when things went sour that is exactly what he did. I had to sleep in a hotel for two months before I found They were the only people that were able to keep the spirits away from my home and break whatever magic my ex did to torture me. I finally was able to go home and I feel at peace. I have never seen a group of people able to do what they did. I deeply appreciate them and believe that they are blessed." Margie



"I have this one co-worker that had a feud with me every time I had to interact with him. I was dating his ex and it was a huge mess. He could not stand the sight of me and did everything that he could to make my life miserable. Then he got a promotion and he was my boss. I was going to quit but I needed the health insurance. Before they announced his promotion he came up to my desk and whispered into my ear that he was going to fire me now that I report to him along with some other nasty things. It was a nightmare. I had the job protection spell cast only as a last ditch effort on my part to try to keep my job (and health insurance). What happened next was beyond anything that I could have ever dreamed about in my wildest fantasy. The owner of the company popped in after traveling (he traveled 75% of the time and was never around) in a disguise done by professional make up artists. They made him look like a senior citizen and he was only 40. My new "boss" was harassing me that day and the owner witnessed it. He was fired the next day and I got the promotion instead. I just about fell off of my chair when I found out what happened. I firmly believe that after being in this situation for such a long time that this happened because of the job protection spell. It happened about two weeks after I had it cast. My hat goes off to for all of their hard work and life changing abilities!" Pratik


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